Monday, 15 August 2011

Knights of Columbus

Four pillars support the structure within the Knights of Columbus. They are loosely associated with the four levels of initiation although there is a great deal of overlap. The first pillar is Unity primarily a first degree concern, Charity is associated with the second degree, Fraternity is linked to the third degree and Patriotism is tied to the fourth degree.
From the center of the mural which hosts the dual emblems of Legal Council #3223, both French and English, emerge four triangles representing the four pillars and the four degrees. Inside each triangle we can see the concrete manifestations that each pillar inspires.
The top contains local images indicating the united commitment of the Knights to the youth of our community. Many volunteer hours built the Knights of Columbus ballpark that also hosts a wonderful playground for the younger team members. Ongoing financial involvement with the youth shows up in sports arenas, in particular, hockey, soccer and basketball. 
On the left is a fine example of charity as the Knights came together to build a house to accommodate wheelchair mobility when one of its members was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. 
On the right we see signs of fraternal solidarity with the Church and community in a pro-life sign reminding us that all life is sacred, in fundraising events and in support of the pope. 
At the bottom we see evidence of patriotism with the flag and fourth degree members in all their regalia.

- Written by Karen Blanchet

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